16 Personalities
What was the quiz outcome?
ISFP Personality ("The Adventurer")
Adventurers are flexible and charming artists, always ready to explore and experience something new.
Do you think the outcome was accurate?
I believe the outcome was pretty accurate as I am very curious and I am more observant then Intuitive.
What strengths were identified?
- Charming
- Sensitive to others
- Imaginative
- Passionate
- Curious
- Artistic
What type of roles/careers does this information indicate you are best suited to?
The quiz said that my ideal careers are Psychology, Counselling and Teaching but because of the long-term planning and extensive certifications that are required, I might steer away from them. Although I do want to go into Education and become a Primary School Teacher.
Would you recommend this quiz to a friend?
I would definitely recommend this quiz to friends because I learnt some things about myself. It also was very accurate about myself.
Screenshot some results and findings.
Glad you enjoyed the quizzes. You received some great results. No changes needed. Miss Chapman